Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Can a civilized, non violent person be anti government? Yes.
From the day we became conscience of our surroundings and interactions with others, we became reliant on them as the proof that the way everything is, is the way it should be.

As a kid I used to wonder why teachers made little money and struggled to make ends meet, while entertainers had plenty and then some? Why was Micheal Jordan glorified for basketball skills when some parents I lived around earnestly worked more than one job and still didn't make half of what he made in one game, in one year?

Why do food companies knowingly add chemicals to food for longer shelf life and flavor that negatively affect the body? Why do government agencies allow them to do so?

Why do government agencies allow the sell of cancer causing cigarettes but deem naturally grown stimulants as illegal? Even enough for years of jail time for possession alone?

Why is there a lottery in every state with casinos in special destinations around, but it's illegal for one to gamble themselves?  

Why do the wishes of lobbyists and the rich have prominent influence on the decisions politicians make before those actually effected by them do?

Why does education cost anything?

The list of questions can go forever.

We've been programmed to believe that without the authority of the machine above us, we would need martial law to protect us from ourselves. We've been lied to. They need us to believe its vital for our survival in order for it to continue to exist. We've been deceived into believing that politics and war solves issues and lead to peace and security. We've been deceived into believing that the "American Dream" (for example) is our hope for the most quality and fulfilling life.

I chose sometime ago not to allow myself to be controlled and influenced any longer. To no longer allow myself to believe I have to walk my path in harmony with their parameters in order to live a happy life.
In other words, slave for the system, contribute to its advancement and upkeep, and if you make it to 65, you can then get your money back and spend your golden years medicated on pharmaceutical drugs to stay alive long enough for you to spend more money and feed the pharmaceutical systems until you die.

Live simply. Live peacefully. Think globally. Take off the veil.

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